Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Marginalization of people according to Luke’s gospel Essay

To marginalize means to relegate to a lower or outer edge, of specific groups of people. Marginalized people in society are people who are considered as outcasts in the society, they are referred to as those of a lower class. Those who are marginalized are outside the dominant culture of a group. The group could be a professional group, a social group, or a whole society. An individual may be marginalized because the dominant culture is unable to live with a particular group or individual. In the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37), it is obvious that prioritizing the powerless is a form of love for neighbors. Luke’s gospel entails a writing style that is aimed at giving hope to the non Jews or Gentiles and those disregarded in society to depict to them that Jesus also came to save them, he aims to break the strongholds of disregard for the marginalized in society. At the time, the Jews marginalized the poor, women, orphans and the diseased. In Luke 7:11-17, we clearly see Jesus showing love and compassion to a widow (Nain), depicting utmost concern and love for women, as the men at the time had a daily prayer â€Å"thanking God that they were not born women†. Luke’s gospel brings out Jesus as a voice for the marginalized by uplifting and showing their importance to his Kingdom, like the account of Mary with Angel Gabriel, as well as condemning the actions of the rich. In our communities today, we see the same marginalization being depicted among various disadvantaged groups some of which may include The Poor are greatly marginalized due to their inability to afford what others can. Uganda has a high poverty rate where 90% of the country’s poor live in Rural areas, Many children are left roaming the city streets due to lack of funds for their education, many Karamajong women travel to become beggars’ on the Kampala streets which also act as their homesteads in the cold biting nights, many girls also resort to prostitution to get a living and are seen as grave sinners and because of these adverse factors, the poor are disregarded by many people and ignored due to their uncontrollable circumstance Women are also greatly marginalized despite their higher percentage of 51% in the Ugandan community. Women are seen as a weaker or less important sex to men. This is clearly depicted in the working sector, where very few women are able to take up white collar employment opportunities which are mainly taken up by men. This stretches back to the educational opportunity given to women whereby many girls are taken away from school early, and other don’t even get to start school which is mostly evident in the rural areas since women are seen as tools for house work, producing children and taking of gardens, widowed women are also taken advantage of when their husbands pass on and relatives take the remaining property. These in turn limits their chances for a bright future and therefore, even in the Bible in Luke 7:37-43, we see the disregard for women by Simon, one of Jesus’ disciples which has stretched till this present. The sick have also been marginalized for example, people living with HIV, cancer, diabetes and other diseases are segregated from society since people don’t want to associate with them to risk infection and therefore, some people are chased from schools, work places since they don’t want to associate with them. Sick people are seen as less special and are kept out of conversations, meetings and other social gatherings yet Jesus regards everyone as special before his sight (Luke 12:6-8) Some children are dumped in bins and latrines due to the disabilities which is extremely gruesome. Regardless of this marginalization, God still creates a solution, a way out for his people to get refuge. The very same compassion that Jesus had for the poor and disadvantaged has been placed in the hearts of my people in community who come up with solutions and means of helping the marginalized Many Organizations have been put in place to help those in need with the basic health care needs like The World Food Programme (W.F.O), Red Cross, Relief Aid and many others and this has helped to establish families that have gone through crisis like the Bududa landslides, the famine outbreaks in Karamoja and this shows that regardless of the situations the poor go through, God still makes a way for them. The government has started programmes to help facilitate the poor for example the NAADS programme as well as the Youth Loan schemes and this has helped to build up innovativeness and revenue for the poor since they are able to get loans from which they can start up business activities and be able to sustain themselves Charity Organization like Samaritan Purse, Smile Like a Child, Invisible Children, Mission Moving Mountains and many others in different communities have been able to provide homes for street children as well food and an education and therefore, the number of street children has greatly reduced and the number of those who lack is gradually reducing. The government has introduced Universal Education which is cheap and affordable for the poor as well which has enabled girls and women to access educational facilities and not stay idle at home, this is in line with the law for all children to go to school which is stipulated as a law in the Uganda Constitution. Sponsorships and Incentives for women have been put in place to enable women to get a fair chance at competing with the vast number men in the work field for example the 1.5 point grade added to girls at University admission as well as the Sponsorships from organizations like Compassion International that can facilitate ones education fees from Primary to University level and this has helped increase the number of female graduates and employees. Zacchaeus in the Bible also gave to the poor half of what he owed (Luke 19:7-9) and we should follow this example Sensitization programmes about the HIV/AIDS, Cancer diseases has been put in place whereby companies like T.A.S.O, and other health organizations have been able to inform people about the stigma issues related with these diseases and provide information about them that enables people to know the truth and stop marginalization for example, the Health awareness week in Uganda Christian University by Allan Galpin Health Center Extension of health services with trained health care workers and health units to provide outreach health facilities to under-served communities. Establishment of authorized clinics and pharmacies recognized by the ministry of health helps to provide good health facilities at a lower cost, for example the free Health Care weeks by various Companies and Hospitals like Mulago Hospital, free ARV’s to HIV/AIDS patients by companies like Midmay International and TASO. Therefore, it’s important for us to promote a change in our community and care for those in need, knowing that we are all special before God and w have to treat each other the way Jesus cared for the marginalized when He spent his 33 years on earth as a man like we are. Taking the story of Lazarus, the poor man and the Rich man (Luke 16:19-26), that if we are rich, let’s give to those who are less fortunate and not segregate them instead. REFERENCE Good News Bible, The Gideons International Understanding the New Testament, 2011 edition Baulcombe, S. Hostick, T. New, A. Pugh, H. (1998) ‘Asking the Experts: A Guide to Involving People in Shaping Health and Social Care Services’. The Community Care Needs Assessment Project (CCNAP) (available to download from Baxter, L. Thorne, L. Mitchell, A. (2001) ‘Small Voices, Big Noises: Lay involvement in health research: lessons from other fields’, Consumers in NHS Research, Exeter, Washington Singer Press

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Destroy Othello Essay

Iago feels that he was passed over for a promotion to lieutenant and resents Cassio, the new lieutenant. He also harbors a potential grudge against Othello, who promoted Cassio. Iago explains to Roderigo that Cassio was appointed despite the fact that three important Venetians had asked Othello to promote Iago. Iago states â€Å"I know my price, I am worth no worse a place† (1. 1. 11), which shows that he felt that he deserved the promotion. He resents that he has fought alongside Othello several times in battle, yet Cassio a mere â€Å"counter-caster†(1. 1. 31), who has never served in battle, was made lieutenant. He holds Othello responsible for his being passed over, and mocks Othello’s race and character. Iago’s conduct reveals his malicious nature. His statement â€Å"I am not what I am† (1. 1. 65) summarizes the deceitfulness of his character. Iago suggests to the heartbroken Roderigo that he â€Å"Call up her father, / Rouse him: make after him, poison his delight, / Proclaim him in the streets† (1. 1. 67-69). This shows Iago’s vindictive nature. He suggests that Roderigo not only disturb Barbantio in the middle of the night, but that he publicly announce that Desdemona has eloped, thus subjecting Barbantio and his family to shame. While calling out to Barbantio, Iago remains in the dark and does not reveal his identity. Here, as in the rest of the play, Iago acts an instigator, hidden in the shadows, yet still managing to manipulate those around him. In speaking to Barbantio, Iago insults him, and describes the relationship of Desdemona in derogatory and pornographic terms. After doing his best to make Barbantio panic, Iago returns to Othello and pretends to be loyal. However, he instructs Roderigo to tell Barbantio exactly where Desdemona and Othello can be found. Iago’s conduct reveals his ability to control others, while they remain unaware of his influence. This is shown by the fact that he uses Roderigo to anger Barbantio, whom he uses to destroy Othello. At this point, Barbantio and Othello are oblivious to Iago’s devious nature. Iago callously betrays Othello but pretends to be loyal to him.

Monday, July 29, 2019

A Social Partnerships in the New Millenium

There is also a huge amount being written about the issue, some Industrial Relations commentators have even hailed this as the most exciting thing to happen to UK industry in years. However, not every group completely agrees with this. For example, some groups believe that Social Partnership has had a very negative effect on British Trade Unions. At a group have named a bulletin board ‘Solidarity’. It is a page dedicated to ‘challenging social partnership’ and it’s apparent corrosive effects on union power. It is very typical of the types of arguments put forward by groups that are oh so against social partnerships. Stakeholders like the authors of solidarity believe that social partnerships tie unions to the coat tails of employers. What they want is a ‘new unionism’ which opposes subordination to the ‘global market’ and builds on the experience of the Liverpool Dockers. This group is completely opposed to any kind of privatisation and really wants more from unions than just a concern for working conditions. They want a break â€Å"..with the narrow work place concerns of ‘non-political’ trade unionism† and believe that unions should fight † for the interests of the working class and oppressed as a whole†. They also see a need for a repeal of all â€Å"anti-union† legislation and an end to state interference into unions, such as social partnership agreements. Taken from ‘Solidarity’, the journal that openly states it’s purpose is to challenge social partnerships in trade unions, here are some ‘facts’ that display how social partnerships have had a harmful effect on British trade unions: In Rover and the car industry, where the unions have identified the interests of workers with commercial success in the ‘global market’, they have been gravely weakened and meekly accepted massive job cuts. USDAW has reached a ‘Partnership Agreement’ with Tesco which takes away the right of the union members as a whole to vote on pay deals. The TUC has collaborated with a privatised utility in the Energy Industry and set up a company with them – Union Energy – thus effectively abandoning the fight for re-nationalisation. They are collaborating with a privatised utility which has decimated trade union members’ jobs. The unions have swallowed ‘Investors in People’ which identifies the interests of union members with the ‘business aims’ of private companies. The TUC and most unions have accepted that the increased competition of the ‘global market’ means unity with ‘our employers’ and competing with workers in other countries. Stakeholders like these aim to challenge social partnership by campaigning for complete independence of the unions from the employer. They reject globalisation and counterpoise to it a working class internationalism which recognises that workers have more in common with those in other countries than they do with ‘our own’ bosses. It is a very Marxist standpoint . They feel that for those in the unions who support their independence from the employers and the state, a systematic struggle against ‘social partnership’ in all its manifestations is a central task if they are to break the unions from the employers’ coat tails. They are insistent that this outlook has only been adopted by union leaders. It has though percolated down to many workplaces, reinforced by the fear of unemployment. This far left view contrasts greatly with those unions that actually see social partnership in a very positive, if slightly unclear light. Unions like FIET, The International Federation of commercial, clerical, professional, and technical employees see social partnership as a â€Å"new and challenging area of work for the union.† For unions that see the millennium as a time to accept social partnership, it will mean unions and companies learning to do things differently, rather than trying to campaign against this change. Some unions like FIET have accepted that we now have a government committed to promoting the partnership approach, and to ensuring that it becomes a permanent feature in the workplace. Unions like this have therefore accepted that social partnership is going to be around for a long time. I think that left wing reactions to social partnerships, like that of ‘Solidarity’ is very much a reactive one rather than considered. I think that those stakeholders set so strongly against this issue need to understand that the government’s political commitment to partnership goes far beyond the UK. We now have a new and positive approach to Europe and this social partnership model is at the heart of the EU’s approach to all Industrial Relations. Indeed Social Partnership does mean long term changes to the Industrial Relations scene in Europe and in Britain, all that unions need to work on is understanding what these changes will mean for their members and the companies that they work in. Looked at from this more positive, optimistic standpoint then social partnership has the potential to deliver some very real benefits: Potentially it means that employers will be working with the trade unions to bring about improvements in the quality of work. It means that employees, through their trade union, will be given a much greater say in how their company is run. Social partnership should give unions the opportunity to be consulted earlier, more often and on a wider range of issues than has happened before. Surely the growth in partnership at work can only be a welcome one, if not somewhat overdue? However, these encouraging and upbeat pointers can only be achieved if the unions get themselves involved in equal terms right from the beginning, otherwise employers could try to do things without the unions. As stakeholders like ‘Solidarity’ state I think that there is indeed a risk that social partnership may be used to try and undermine trade union organisation in the work place. Employers could potentially claim that they can have a partnership directly with their staff and do not require the union’s participation. If the unions are excluded in this way then not only could there be disastrous consequences for union members but social partnership will not work for employers either. Partnership can only be successful when employees as partners are properly supported and resourced through a dependable trade union. To illustrate this point further, let us consider what may happen if the retail sector tried to introduce partnership without trade union involvement : Most employees in this sector work part-time. There are increasingly complex and unsociable working hours in retailing which in turn means that most employees may have very little contact with anyone beyond their shift. In these circumstances employees have less of an opportunity to form a collective view. Simply meeting together can be extremely difficult in such organisations, let alone having the resources and confidence to develop their own ideas and concerns. Therefore it is clear that in most cases employees are unlikely to become equal and effective partners when they do not have the time or the means to generate their own agenda. A dependable and experienced trade union means that employees can enter into partnership properly supported and resourced. To achieve this, a real commitment is required from employers to supporting trade union membership, as the best way for their staff to be given a voice and more importantly the confidence to use it. Basically partnership needs partners. But how will social partnership actually change things in real terms for employees and the unions? By answering this question I will hopefully be able to assess if social partnership is a viable way forward in the new millennium. Firstly, unions need to take a positive approach, for them social partnerships should be about: Co-operation, not confrontation. Improving the quality of working life. Employers listening to and respecting unions and vice versa. Employees developing their own agenda through their trade union. If they agree on the above terms then hopefully it will mean: Moving away from the common practice of the union only talking to companies once a year. At the moment, even with companies with whom there exists a good relationship, unions often only talk to the organisation at the time of the annual wage negotiations. Many unions feel that the annual wage round sometimes becomes a little tired and predictable, with companies offering the lowest increase that they feel they can get away with. However, partnership is different. For the unions, it means talking to companies throughout the year. It means having a constant dialogue with employers about what is happening at all levels of the company. It should also mean that the union is consulted on a wider range of issues. Companies are used to contacting unions when they are implementing redundancies or sell offs. Mainly because there is a legal obligation on them to do this, but unions have not in the past been consulted on the overall direction of a company or about strategic decisions that may affect employees. A Social Partnership means that the union should be consulted on a far wider range of issues than they have been used to. It means earlier and better consultation sessions, theoretically no more being told about something when it has already been implemented. A Social Partnerships in the New Millenium There is also a huge amount being written about the issue, some Industrial Relations commentators have even hailed this as the most exciting thing to happen to UK industry in years. However, not every group completely agrees with this. For example, some groups believe that Social Partnership has had a very negative effect on British Trade Unions. At a group have named a bulletin board ‘Solidarity’. It is a page dedicated to ‘challenging social partnership’ and it’s apparent corrosive effects on union power. It is very typical of the types of arguments put forward by groups that are oh so against social partnerships. Stakeholders like the authors of solidarity believe that social partnerships tie unions to the coat tails of employers. What they want is a ‘new unionism’ which opposes subordination to the ‘global market’ and builds on the experience of the Liverpool Dockers. This group is completely opposed to any kind of privatisation and really wants more from unions than just a concern for working conditions. They want a break â€Å"..with the narrow work place concerns of ‘non-political’ trade unionism† and believe that unions should fight † for the interests of the working class and oppressed as a whole†. They also see a need for a repeal of all â€Å"anti-union† legislation and an end to state interference into unions, such as social partnership agreements. Taken from ‘Solidarity’, the journal that openly states it’s purpose is to challenge social partnerships in trade unions, here are some ‘facts’ that display how social partnerships have had a harmful effect on British trade unions: In Rover and the car industry, where the unions have identified the interests of workers with commercial success in the ‘global market’, they have been gravely weakened and meekly accepted massive job cuts. USDAW has reached a ‘Partnership Agreement’ with Tesco which takes away the right of the union members as a whole to vote on pay deals. The TUC has collaborated with a privatised utility in the Energy Industry and set up a company with them – Union Energy – thus effectively abandoning the fight for re-nationalisation. They are collaborating with a privatised utility which has decimated trade union members’ jobs. The unions have swallowed ‘Investors in People’ which identifies the interests of union members with the ‘business aims’ of private companies. The TUC and most unions have accepted that the increased competition of the ‘global market’ means unity with ‘our employers’ and competing with workers in other countries. Stakeholders like these aim to challenge social partnership by campaigning for complete independence of the unions from the employer. They reject globalisation and counterpoise to it a working class internationalism which recognises that workers have more in common with those in other countries than they do with ‘our own’ bosses. It is a very Marxist standpoint . They feel that for those in the unions who support their independence from the employers and the state, a systematic struggle against ‘social partnership’ in all its manifestations is a central task if they are to break the unions from the employers’ coat tails. They are insistent that this outlook has only been adopted by union leaders. It has though percolated down to many workplaces, reinforced by the fear of unemployment. This far left view contrasts greatly with those unions that actually see social partnership in a very positive, if slightly unclear light. Unions like FIET, The International Federation of commercial, clerical, professional, and technical employees see social partnership as a â€Å"new and challenging area of work for the union.† For unions that see the millennium as a time to accept social partnership, it will mean unions and companies learning to do things differently, rather than trying to campaign against this change. Some unions like FIET have accepted that we now have a government committed to promoting the partnership approach, and to ensuring that it becomes a permanent feature in the workplace. Unions like this have therefore accepted that social partnership is going to be around for a long time. I think that left wing reactions to social partnerships, like that of ‘Solidarity’ is very much a reactive one rather than considered. I think that those stakeholders set so strongly against this issue need to understand that the government’s political commitment to partnership goes far beyond the UK. We now have a new and positive approach to Europe and this social partnership model is at the heart of the EU’s approach to all Industrial Relations. Indeed Social Partnership does mean long term changes to the Industrial Relations scene in Europe and in Britain, all that unions need to work on is understanding what these changes will mean for their members and the companies that they work in. Looked at from this more positive, optimistic standpoint then social partnership has the potential to deliver some very real benefits: Potentially it means that employers will be working with the trade unions to bring about improvements in the quality of work. It means that employees, through their trade union, will be given a much greater say in how their company is run. Social partnership should give unions the opportunity to be consulted earlier, more often and on a wider range of issues than has happened before. Surely the growth in partnership at work can only be a welcome one, if not somewhat overdue? However, these encouraging and upbeat pointers can only be achieved if the unions get themselves involved in equal terms right from the beginning, otherwise employers could try to do things without the unions. As stakeholders like ‘Solidarity’ state I think that there is indeed a risk that social partnership may be used to try and undermine trade union organisation in the work place. Employers could potentially claim that they can have a partnership directly with their staff and do not require the union’s participation. If the unions are excluded in this way then not only could there be disastrous consequences for union members but social partnership will not work for employers either. Partnership can only be successful when employees as partners are properly supported and resourced through a dependable trade union. To illustrate this point further, let us consider what may happen if the retail sector tried to introduce partnership without trade union involvement : Most employees in this sector work part-time. There are increasingly complex and unsociable working hours in retailing which in turn means that most employees may have very little contact with anyone beyond their shift. In these circumstances employees have less of an opportunity to form a collective view. Simply meeting together can be extremely difficult in such organisations, let alone having the resources and confidence to develop their own ideas and concerns. Therefore it is clear that in most cases employees are unlikely to become equal and effective partners when they do not have the time or the means to generate their own agenda. A dependable and experienced trade union means that employees can enter into partnership properly supported and resourced. To achieve this, a real commitment is required from employers to supporting trade union membership, as the best way for their staff to be given a voice and more importantly the confidence to use it. Basically partnership needs partners. But how will social partnership actually change things in real terms for employees and the unions? By answering this question I will hopefully be able to assess if social partnership is a viable way forward in the new millennium. Firstly, unions need to take a positive approach, for them social partnerships should be about: Co-operation, not confrontation. Improving the quality of working life. Employers listening to and respecting unions and vice versa. Employees developing their own agenda through their trade union. If they agree on the above terms then hopefully it will mean: Moving away from the common practice of the union only talking to companies once a year. At the moment, even with companies with whom there exists a good relationship, unions often only talk to the organisation at the time of the annual wage negotiations. Many unions feel that the annual wage round sometimes becomes a little tired and predictable, with companies offering the lowest increase that they feel they can get away with. However, partnership is different. For the unions, it means talking to companies throughout the year. It means having a constant dialogue with employers about what is happening at all levels of the company. It should also mean that the union is consulted on a wider range of issues. Companies are used to contacting unions when they are implementing redundancies or sell offs. Mainly because there is a legal obligation on them to do this, but unions have not in the past been consulted on the overall direction of a company or about strategic decisions that may affect employees. A Social Partnership means that the union should be consulted on a far wider range of issues than they have been used to. It means earlier and better consultation sessions, theoretically no more being told about something when it has already been implemented.

Racial Segregation based on Black Boy by Richard Wright Essay

Racial Segregation based on Black Boy by Richard Wright - Essay Example d the Jim Crow laws and the rise of Klu Klux Klan, a white racist group that lynched, kidnapped, beat, or even murdered blacks to prove their supremacy. On the other side African American culture, its literature and arts flourished giving rise to the Harlem Renaissance. Richard Wright fought hard to resist segregation and refused to be forced into subservience as most of the blacks of that period did. As we read about his childhood one can visualise the sufferings and humiliation the African Americans had to endure in the early 1990s. In his book Wright portrays all the violence, brutality, despair and powerlessness that goes with racism. The whites abused him physically and verbally. In the book there is mention of how when he was young he had to suffer regular physical and verbal abuse in his workplace and how his white colleagues even went to the extent of hitting him with a bottle for not addressing a white man as "sir". â€Å"for the first time I noticed that there were two lines of people at the ticket window, a â€Å"white† line and a â€Å"black† line. During my visit at Granny’s a sense of the two races had been born in me with sharp concreteness that would never die until I died." (Wright R, 1945) These lines from Black Boy show that Wright understood what it was to be a black boy right from his childhood days. The fear, the violence the blacks faced everyday is beautifully put forth in the book. Both the blacks and whites resorted to violence whenever they wanted to control or show their power and this show of violence was predominant in the lives of Southerners. Richard turns violent many times like when he rebels against his father and kills the kitten in a fit of rage. Similarly when he burns down the house he gets thoroughly beaten. He overcomes his fear of the gang of boys by attacking them. Racial segregation or racial prejudices also instilled fear and mistrust in the society. This is evident in many of the episodes of the Black Boy. Richard

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Structural engineering Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Structural engineering - Essay Example The analysis can be done either manually or using commercial software. This paper is aimed at expounding on the details of sub-frame structural design. For a span that is greater than or equal to two times the overall depth for simply supported span and greater than or equal to two and a half times the overall depth for continuous span, a beam is classified as shallow beam, otherwise it is a deep beam. Effective width (beff) = width of beam (bw) + ÃŽ £(0.2 times of half the centre to centre width to the next beam (0.2bi) + 0.1 times the span of zero moment (0.1lpi), with the sum of the latter not exceeding 0.2 times the span of zero moment and lpi taken as 0.7 times the effective span of the beam). Design moment of beam (and slab) monolithic with its support providing rotational restraint should be that at support face if the support is rectangular and 0.2Ø if the support is circular with diameter Ø. But the design moment after reduction should not be less than 65% of the support moment. For a simply supported or continuous beam, the clear distance between restraints should be less than or equal to 60bc or 250bc 2/d if less; and for a cantilever with lateral restraint only at support, the clear distance from cantilever to support should be less than or equal to 25bc or 100bc 2/d if less where bc is the breadth of the compression face of the beam and d is the effective depth. Usually the slenderness limits need be checked for inverted beams or bare beam (without slab) We can, as far as our building structures are concerned, roughly adopt condition 1 (Mild) for the structures in the interior of our buildings (except for bathrooms and kitchens which should be condition 2), and to adopt condition 2 for the external structures. Nevertheless, the â€Å"Code of Practice for Fire Resisting Construction 1996† should also be checked for different fire resistance periods (FRP). So, taking into account our current practice of using concrete not inferior than

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Is distance learning as good as classroom learning Essay

Is distance learning as good as classroom learning - Essay Example It is fundamentally the environment of education that makes the classroom learning different from the distance learning. In the classroom, learning takes place in an enclosed environment, wherein the teacher is in more control than the student. In the classroom, the teacher guides the students from activity to activity. The teacher keeps a close eye on every student along the way. Minimized interaction between the teacher and the student in the distance learning has negative implications on the quality of education. â€Å"As with new teaching methods, online learning has faced much criticism from many sources as they claim it has devalued post secondary education and will reduce the effectiveness of obtaining quality career positions by obtaining higher education† (â€Å"Online Vs Classroom†). Education is not entirely about acquiring the certificate or the degree. Educational system in the schools is designed in such a way that not only grows a child academically, but also nurtures him/her morally, socially, psychologically and physically. In the schools, children get to meet a lot of children of their age. They interact and make friends with them. The friendships started in the early childhood are often ever-lasting. As they grow up, they help one another not only in education, but also refer one another to their bosses and other employers. Friends made in the school happen to be the most common source of news about employment opportunity. In addition to the increased social interaction, schools provide students with the opportunities to participate in sports. Schools arrange matches with other schools. Often, it is the very event when a child finds a potential player in himself/herself, and carries on the practice to become an international level player. Furthermore, s chools motivate the students to take part in all sorts of competitions. Students compete with one another to excel in the studies, sports as well as the extra-curricular activities. A student

Friday, July 26, 2019

Short Fiction Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Short Fiction - Term Paper Example The story takes place in the forest where old guard Long legs live with his wife and daughter. The Prussians, on the other hand, are patrolling the forest that is near the old town of Rethel. In their patrol duty, they come across the Long-legs forest home, tired and hungry. Amidst fear and uncertainty, Long-leg’s wife and daughter gives them a warm welcome, offers them delicious food, water and accommodation in his absentia. The fear in them drives them to long for his arrival to appear and protect them against these enemies. The French and Prussians have remained rivals for a long time. In the process of the wife and daughter playing their gracious roles, long leg arrives and is alerted about the Prussians presence. In a twinkling of the eye, long leg runs to town and summon the Rethels’ army freshmen. Monsieur Lavigne, the head, orders them to surround the house in an attempt to capture the Prussians. No killings are meant to take place at the time. The leader calls the Prussians to come out of the cellar peacefully but they relent. He orders the army to pipe in water into the cellar in an attempt of drowning them. As a result, the Prussians can no longer withstand the pressure of the pumped water; they surrender and agree to come out. They are then requested to submit their rifles, which they do, and the pumping is stopped. Monsieur Lavigne is crowned for capturing the most feared Prussian guard and Maloison; the fat beaker awarded a military medal for standing the wounds he got at the hands of the enemy. Together, the French army makes a triumphant entry into Rethel. In this piece, De Maupassant outlines the works of the anti-Prussians. It is remarkably well narrated with laughter evoking instances like the trapping of the soldiers in the cellar room. The narrative demonstrates high standards of writing and authenticity. The story is not frightening;

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Peter Winchs The Idea of a Social Science and Its Relation to Essay

Peter Winchs The Idea of a Social Science and Its Relation to Philosophy - Essay Example According to the scholars on the topic of social science, this subject of study has been slow to imitate the natural sciences and liberate from the dead hand of philosophy and this has resulted in the slow growth of this branch of study. They maintain that it is important for the social science to follow the methods of natural science rather than those of philosophy if it should make some significant progress. The main purpose of Peter Winch is "to attack such a conception of the relation between the social studies, philosophy and the natural sciences." (Winch, 1958, p 1). According to Peter Winch, a successful social science in general and sociology in particular would more nearly resemble literacy criticism than physics and other physical sciences and he provides several justifications for his claim all through his book. Winch's justification of his claim becomes evident in a reflective analysis of his distinctions between and among 'understanding and explanation,' 'motives, reason s, and causes,' and the difference between the sociologist's and the physical scientist's relation to the phenomena that they investigate (the 'subject matter' of the social sciences), and this paper undertakes an analysis of these aspects of the book along with a summary. In his The Idea of a Social Science and Its Relation to Philosophy Winch... cience in general and sociology in particular would more nearly resemble literacy criticism than physics and other physical sciences and he provides the central core of his argument under the title 'Understanding Social Institutions.' He maintains that 'understanding' is more essential phenomenon than 'explaining' and it clarifies his major arguments. According to him, it is essential to use the term 'understanding' rather than explaining, though he does not mean to allude to the distinction made by Webber between 'casual explanation' and interpretive understanding'. "The point I have in mind is a rather different one. Methodologists and philosophers of science commonly approach their subject by asking what the character of the explanations offered is in the science under consideration. Now of course explanations are closely connected with understanding. Understanding is the goal of explanation and the end-product of successful explanation Unless there is a form of understanding that is not the result of explanation, no such thing as explanation would be possible. An explanation is called for only where there is, at least thought to be, a deficiency of understanding." (Winch, 1990, p X). Winch considers 'understanding' as the standard against which the deficiency of the knowledge must be measured and this calls for explanation. The understanding one already has is expressed in the concepts which constitute the form of subject matter that one is concerned with. On the other hand, these concepts also express certain aspects of the life characteristic of the people who apply them. The interconnections among these aspects are the major subject of explanation in the book by Winch. It is also vital to understand the connections among concepts such as motives, reasons, and

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Impact of Information and Communication Technology Policy on Firms Essay

Impact of Information and Communication Technology Policy on Firms worldwide Operations - Essay Example Please continue to update the olders ones, "A good study should use approximately 100 + peer reviewed references with 80 to 85% being published within the last 3 – 5 years." Please review my comments below: Abstract [Impact of Information and Communication Technology Policy on Firm’s worldwide Operations] By Nisrine Hammache DBA, Walden University, 2010 Doctoral Study Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Business Administration Walden University December 2011 Abstract In the contemporary world, information and communication technology is being rated as one of the basic requirements for the success of a business organization. Lately, it has been observed that even after implementing well dedicated architecture of information and communication technology, businesses have still failed. This has created a spur in the minds of small business owners on whether it is worth undertaking such a huge investment. The research paper is div ided into three sections. The first section provides a general overview about the importance of the discipline of information and communication technology; it offers the background, purpose and nature of the study. The hypothesis and the assumptions along with the implications of the social change are clearly stated in this section. The second section deals with the particular project. This comprises the narration and analysis of data, as well as the reliability and the validity of the process and output. Section three encapsulates the presentation of the study and the application of the frame work of information and communication technology in terms of professional practices. The section also comprises the implications of social change, as well as the recommendations and the reflection. In the reading of the subsequent chapters, the essence of information and communication technology increases profitability; better management of international operations is increasingly substantiate d and so the hypothesis is proved in due course. [Impact of Information and Communication Technology Policy on Firm’s Worldwide Operations] by Nisrine Hammache DBA, Walden University, 2010 Doctoral Study Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Business Administration Walden University December 2011 Dedication Acknowledgments Table of Contents List of Figures 9 Section 1: Foundation of the Study 10 Background of the Problem 10 Purpose Statement 12 Nature of the Study 13 Research Question 13 Assumptions 15 Reduction of Gaps 17 Implications for Social Change 18 A Review of the Professional and Academic Literature 19 Transition and Summary 20 List of Figures Fig 1 – Page 15 Fig 2 – Page 16 Fig 3 – Page 17 Fig 4 – Page 18 Fig 5 – Page 19 Fig 6 – Page 20 Fig 7 – Page 21 Fig 8 – Page 22 Fig 9 – Page 23 Fig 10 – Page 24 Section 1: Foundation of the Study An official script w ritten to resolve an immediate business predicament by addressing an existing gap in business practice is referred to as a DBA Doctoral Study. This study will focus on the impact that information and Communication technology policies have on firm’s worldwide operations. In overall, the study comprises three main segments: foundation of the study, the project and application to professional practice, and implications for change. Background of the Problem In every sphere of life change is inevitable, and the information and c

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Impact on the Ecosystem Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The Impact on the Ecosystem - Essay Example This cannot rule out the vast number of negative impacts that the human population has on the ecosystem around it; human beings, over the years, have become so greedy that their actions have begun to pollute rivers and lakes as well as the air that is breathed; factories have been dumping toxic wastes everywhere possible leading to hazardous manifestations like soil erosion and deforestation, not to forget further polluting the environment and making it impossible for beings to survive. Making room for more people to live on the planet has started resulting in a clash with the existing varieties of other species that fearfully roam the earth. Even though biological communities do exist, it must be noted that human beings are overpopulating the ecosystem that they live within and in the process, making life difficult for other beings that depend on water, air and soil for their well being too. Every species plays a strong role in the environment which represents a niche; this ecologic al niche encompasses the relationship that each organism has with its environment as a single entity or as a plural society. Looking at the niche from the point of view of humans, they have been impacting the environment that they live in, rather strongly and negatively at that. Within my personal local area, an ecosystem of interest would be my neighborhood – it is made up of various kinds of plants, animals and human beings, all co-existing together. The entire area has slowly been concretized over the years however it still retains its natural environment as a small lake thrives around the corner around which a number of plants and animals exist; the area is very well greened, giving the opportunity to a number of birds as well as small animals to make their home and live there. It must be understood that an ecosystem also consists of the non-living objects that are present within it for example, the air, water, soil around the living objects which assist the living object s to survive and thus live in conjunction with each other. This is why it is important to take care of not only the living but the non-living aspects of nature; water, air and soil are very integral to the survival of any human being and thus their contamination may lead to catastrophic circumstances for living beings. Most people in the area keep pets of all kinds as well – dogs, cats, birds, turtles, fish etc. Thus, this environment may be referred to as an ecosystem because all kinds of living creatures have been undergoing a basic biotic way of life in their natural environment. Nonetheless, with time, more and more buildings and housing societies have made their way into the area and this has led to cutting down of a significant number of trees. This further, has led to a number of small animals and plants living with the help of those trees (creepers, squirrels etc.) bar their home and move to a different place to seek shelter. With respect to this paper on how the ecos ystem is being impacted, it must be understood that man has interfered within nature to the extent that every individual is now taking up a lot more space in the environment than an animal or a plant would; this means that because of manmade interventions, it has become impossible for other aspects of the environment to survive within. It is every individual’s duty to understand the harmful manner in which he is contributing

A Leap Further By Being Stiff Essay Example for Free

A Leap Further By Being Stiff Essay The concept of being inflexible or being stiff in making decisions has been conceivably one of the finest characteristic which has served the protagonists in the famous stories made in Asian literature.   Pak Hun in The Descendants of Cain, the student in Ya Dafu’s Sinking and Junshi in Creation, portray a character which in one point or another gives light to what appears to be sturdy sense of personality in the arena of decision making and in the context of survival and collaboration with the other characters in the story.    Perhaps that certain point of personality is nevertheless one of the viable factors why the aforementioned roles portrayed has been greatly regarded by the viewing audience, and in a larger concept, patronized as distinctive and distinguishing for that instance (Anderson). Pak Hun in Hwang Sun-won’s Descendants of Cain   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The main character of the story is Pak Hun, which is characterized as a passive person with eternally hesitant and ineffectual finesse.   Even though he is placed in a pedestal of social and political turmoil over the issue of survival and the perception of â€Å"not acting is not surviving,† the author gave him a powerful disposition in the love story that he has shared with the married lover, Ojaknyo.   His nostalgic yet inexorable presupposition on how to help the people in his village without compromising his fists just to save the love he has painstakingly pampered has caused him well in leading on to his venture in life and manhood. Unlike the other heroes in most stories, Pak Hun is deprived to act in his own will, driven by the horrors of reality and of what seemed to be his inherited fate in social class and on his manner in taking on the course of life.   Apparently, this so-called stated cowardice has served him the best of his effort, his compassion for others has saved him from the infamous destiny that he has forsaken.   Being sympathetic and sensitive has been a source of syntax towards emotion and a stronger drive for the Hamlet-like character to lead more than what he might further get in return of the â€Å"inflexibility† not to move mountains but to live a life worth living (Choe). The Student in Ya Dafu’s Sinking   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The connotation of â€Å"national allegory† in Yu Dafu’s Sinking offers an articulate and interwoven portrayal as represented by the student in the story (Denton).   Consequently, several critics portrayed the character as that which depicts the political situation of China as well as with the state of â€Å"powerlessness† that it is experiencing—gradually that of a modern mind, alienated from the faà §ade of the society, turned in on itself, ultimately divided and desolate for liberalism—psychologically apart from the social milieu. Sexual liberalism was rarely stated in the story, hence, in the general context in deciphering the meaning of the whole gist of the story, it would be seen that the student is after the â€Å"affection† of love and sexual activity—which on the more complex comprehension determines the fatal state of crisis of China in that certain point of time.   The protagonist’s patience and admiration to the flow of what seemed to be â€Å"natural way of life† has saved him from being off the scene of explicit exposure to the red light society which he later finds out to be a beneficial thing within the grasp of the May Fourth dilemma. Those who were behind the bars of desperation have been emotionally convicted in living in agony’s sagacity and apparently making them a part of the unidentified sinking icons in their community.   All of which lead to a single idea that the protagonist himself his leading a social transformation through the light of traditionalism.   Nevertheless, it showed that the point of â€Å"sinking† was happening in a nationalistic schema which in the vortex of the south and traditional China’s scenario, it may be taken to assumption that a moral community has longed for a distant sense of transformation which is clouded by a strike of fantasy and illusion. Junshi in Mao Dun’s Creation   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Creaation, published in the year 1928 commences the story with Junshi, an intellectual man experiencing a crisis in life and a flashback of emphasis on failed projects which on the brighter side has made the protagonist gain much by choosing to stick on the result of what has been defined as lacking of revolutionary consciousness.   The ostensibly optimist portrayal with regard to women’s emancipation has been symbolized through Junshi’s stubborn yet sanguine personality which fueled his drive to overcome pessimism (Anderson).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The inflexible and confining ideals that has bewildered Junshi was basically a manifestation on his dream and hope, perceivably, to transform his wife, Xianxian through the advent of providing her with the amenities and educational entities which are aimed to mold her into a fashionable and politically and culturally inclined woman. Junshi then later finds out that his so-called creation of his wife has not given him the ample point of expectation that he wished to have, rather making him the person who is to catch up rather than one to have molded his wife in return.   The very fact that it has weakened his wife’s dependence on him and made her stronger in an astonishing effect—unlike the other characters in the aforementioned stories, inflexibility in Junshi’s case has been unsuccessful and has even made him see himself as a pitiful and apathetic person rather than that which ruled their marriage. Works Cited Anderson, Marston. Beyond Realism: The Eruption of the Crowd. Mao Dun, Zhang Tianyi, and the Social Impediments to Realism: The Regents of the University of California, 1990. Choe, Wolhee. The Descendants of Cain. Pacific Affairs 73.2 (2000): 2. Denton, Kirk A. The Distant Shore: Nationalism in Yu Dafus Sinking. Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews (CLEAR) 14 (1992): 107-23.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Analysis of the short story Essay Example for Free

Analysis of the short story Essay `This essay will discuss certain reaction to the story ‘Examination day’, as well as reviewing the lifestyle and world Dickie lives in. The Jordan family are not rich but they are part of the working class society. The accommodation is quite small, they’re ‘little apartment’ is described in line 21: ‘The boy †¦ wandered to that part of the living room which had been ‘his’ from infancy. ’ This shows that things have not changed in terms of housing since he was young and probably their wealth has not increased as much as they would have liked. In the ‘little apartment’ Mrs Jordan mentioned ‘the Exam’ which was why the tension was quite high in the room. ‘The Exam’ is the ‘Government intelligence test they give to children at the age of twelve. ’ This examination was to make sure that there is no-one clever enough to overrule the current government. This test shows an example of what a dictator ruled government is like. This government is a totalitarian government in terms of not wanting to lose power or authority of any sort. These citizens are stuck in an unwanted dictatorship. The examination room was just as restricted as the lives they lead. The room was very dim which represents amount of information they know about the world and their current government. Also in Dickie’s eyes the room doesn’t look very inviting or welcoming even if it was an examination room. Although Dickie could not really see the ‘gray-tunicked attendant’ he knew that this was a very serious matter. The dimness of the room also shows the secretiveness of the government and how much they want their citizens to know. On the day of Dickie’s examination his parents’ were very anxious to see whether or not their son was allowed to come home or not; there were ‘†¦ not speaking, not even speculating. ’ They were so apprehensive that when the phone rang they both tried to reach for it. This shows that they had a feeling that things were not going to work out perfectly for them. When Mr Jordan answered the phone to the ‘Government Educational Service’ he was told that his son’s ‘†¦intelligence quotient has exceeded the Government regulation. ’ This information was a shock to Mr Jordan that even his wife had read the expression of disappointment on his face. The government had announced that Dickie was going to die because he had breached the ‘intelligence quotient’. This shows that the government are too scared to let the clever people live their own lives or even work for them at their young age. This shows that the dictator is not as strong as he portrays himself to be. This shows that he is insecure and that if anyone clever was around he would probably crumble from having lack of authority. I think that the Jordan family live in a completely totalitarian world where they have no freedom to do what they like when they feel like it; unless they are in their own home. Their dictator is too worried about anyone overruling him; he feels the need to get rid all of the clever citizens to be secure in his position. This shows that this dictator is too unsecure to be head of the government. He needs to step aside and let someone else do the job properly.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Skeletal Specimens for Scientific Studies

Skeletal Specimens for Scientific Studies This report is about the proper techniques for preparing, cleaning, whitening and articulation of skeletal specimens for osteological, biological, veterinary or zoological study. It will explain the three usual techniques used to clean the bones of soft tissue and a few of the more uncommon ways to do so. It will go slightly in depth in each category and then move onto the proper ways and improper ways that the bones themselves are whitened and all lipids are removed from the bones, than it will discuss how to seal the bones to protect them from the elements. Then it will discuss actual articulation and go into detail on the types of articulation commonly used. Lastly it will go over common uses for prepared articulated skeletons. Skeletal articulations have been going on since museums first started displaying taxidermied animals. Many times the animals bones didnt want to be wasted so either the skulls or entire skeletons would be saved in archives to help accurately catalog specimens kept in the museum. Eventually the idea was had to reconstruct these skeletons into lifelike poses and display them in the museum as well, this is where skeletal articulation found its roots. In the picture below is an example of an articulated skeleton of a Potto, a species of primate There are multiple ways to clean the specimens that are used for articulations. There are three common ways that it is done with satisfactory results, the first and most common method is with the use of the beetle Dermestes maculatus, otherwise known as the dermestid, or skin, beetle. These beetles start their life as a small microscopic egg typically laid near dried animal material, which than hatch out as small furry larvae which are black to brown in color. The eggs typically take a day to hatch and the larvae go through multiple stages, or instars, before finally pupating and emerging as an adult. Post, L (n.d) Bone Builders notebook. Pg. 21 Homer, AK, Author published. The male beetle attracts the female with pheromones, which is a common method in the insect world. There is no intermale aggression or territorial aggression. These beetles are useful not only in skeletal articulation but also in the field of human forensics. The main way these beetles assist in the cleaning of bones for articulation is they eat the flesh fairly quickly, the larger the colony the faster the job gets done. With a colony of one thousand beetles an animal the size of a weasel could be cleaned overnight, as opposed to some of the other methods which take considerably longer. An example of a small colony cleaning a deer skull can be seen in the below picture The beetles are also extremely delicate and thorough in the job that they do, being able to clean even the skeletons of young animals without fully formed bones while doing little to no damage. B. Shaver P.E Kaufman (2009). They also allow articulators to perform ligamentary articulations. A drawback to using beetles for cleaning is they often leave a lot of fat in the bones, making for a longer whitening and degreasing process. Beetles usually live for around 6 months in their adult form, however they breed very quickly. I have personally raised a colony of these beetles from just eighteen beetles to well over five thousand in a little over a year. A second common method for cleaning bones for use is maceration, which requires less maintenance than a beetle colony but also takes a lot more time to fully clean the bones. Maceration is the submersion of the specimen in water to decompose fully. This is further broken down into two categories, cold water maceration and warm water maceration. Cold water maceration typically takes a longer period of time to completely decompose the specimen, however it is easier maintenance and is typically used in warmer climates. Warm water maceration usually uses some form of heating element in the water to speed up the process of decomposition. It also has the added benefit of helping to melt some of the lipids left in the bones, helping to degrease the bones while cleaning them at the same time. Maceration when used properly results in much cleaner bones than the other methods of cleaning, however it takes a considerable amount of time to complete. Times can vary from a week or two for a small animal like a mouse to a few years for larger animals such as horses and cattle. Generally the water temperature is kept at or above 80 degrees for warm water maceration. This dramatically lowers the degreasing time by melting and liquefying the lipids in the bones, making it easier for the bacteria to consume and for physical removal of the fat. This techniques major drawback is mostly the smell it produces, which if never smelled before has been known to produce ill responses. Most of the time maceration is done in small containers with separate bone groups separated from each other, for example the arm bones separated, the leg bones separated, and the ribs and spine separated. This makes it much easier to rearrange the bones after the cleaning process is done. These sections are often placed in mesh bags made of some form of plastic, as if it were a form of cloth it could potentially also be digested and consumed by the bacteria in the water. Other times specimens may be placed in wire cages and placed in streams, rivers, or ponds to macerate, which also allows natural scavengers to help do the work, however there is a far greater potential to lose bones this way, or have it tampered with. A third common technique for cleaning bones is boiling. This technique involves actually cooking the specimen for multiple hours until the soft tissues become soft enough to come away from the bones. There are several problems with this method and the main one being that people tend to actually boil the bones, damaging them with the heat and making them soft and flaky. It is best to simmer the bones on low heat for a long period of time to help avoid from damaging the bones. Often times the heat tends to leech the fat directly into the bones, making for a terribly long degreasing process. This technique is commonly employed by taxidermists for European mounts, which is keeping the skull and horns of game animals such as deer or antelope. A European mount may be seen in the below picture Some people will also add baking powder to help strip the soft tissue from the bones, this is highly damaging to the bones and though initial results may look alright, without proper sealing the bones will soon turn dusty and deteriorate overtime, until you are left with nothing more than dust. This process is also usually done in pieces so as to make organization of the skeleton a simpler process. Times can vary from a few hours for smaller sections of bone to well over twenty four hours for larger animals or sections of bones. Often times the spine of the animal will present a problem as there is much cartilage, nervous tissue and muscle tissue holding them together. Manuel removal of flesh is required for this technique, often involving fine scalpel blades and knives, as well as stiff wire brushes. Overall this technique is the least efficient of the three common techniques and has the most potential for damaging the specimen, therefore it is often not recommended to be tried by those first starting skeletal articulations, as they are more prone to make careless errors and mistakes. The most efficient and time efficient method of the three common methods is using dermested beetles. There are many more ways to clean the bones of specimens for display however now I will discuss just two of the more uncommon ways of doing this. The first less uncommon way of cleaning bones is simply burying the specimen in the ground and allowing nature to do the work. Often times the specimen is placed in a cloth bag and buried so as to not lose bones, however the cloth bag can also be effected by decay, and be eaten away in the soil by invertebrates and bacteria naturally present there. Bones are commonly lost using this method and it may take several years for the soft tissue to effectively be decomposed even in small specimens. A large problem with using this method is the fact that minerals are naturally found in the soil and often will leave orange or rusty red stains on the bones due to the presence of iron in the soil. These stains can be removed but not always thoroughly using strong chemicals which also damage the bone; this is not an optimal situation. Sometimes after removing the bones from the ground it will be discovered that the soft tissues have mummified to the bones, making it very hard to remove. This happens frequently in warmer dryer climates. The dried tissue than has to be removed manually with tools and than most of the time needs to be boiled or put into a dermested colony, defeating the purpose of putting the specimen in the ground to begin with. A second uncommon technique used for cleaning is using chemicals to remove the soft tissues. L. Post (n.d) Bone Builders notebook. Pg 24. Homer, AK, self published. Commonly household drain cleaner is used for this process, as it eats away at the soft tissue by either being strongly acidic or basic. Other times fifteen percent or higher hydrogen peroxide is used as it oxidizes the flesh. A drawback to this technique is the obvious danger of using strong chemicals which may severely burn the user. These chemicals if not used in proper percentages can completely eat away a small specimen in just a few hours, so a close eye has to be kept on the entire process. Often times the ligaments are the last parts to be dissolved and with proper timing can be used to make a ligamentary articulation. The benefit of these techniques are they are fairly hands off, however there are often multiple things that can go wrong and ruin a specimen or possibly even harm the articulator. Some of these techniques are still new to practice and must be tuned a bit more to get proper results. Often times it is best just to use those techniques which are proven safe and effective as they are the ones that have most likely been around the longest. Those who wish to start skeletal articulations are often suggested to ask the area museum of natural history what their opinion is or which technique they employ for their own skeletal displays, they will often be more than happy to help you. After proper cleaning of the specimen has been achieved it is necessary to remove all fat from the bones and make them as white as possible for a clean looking display. By removing the fat not only are you making the skeleton look better but also you are removing a possible source of bacterial growth and unsanitary conditions. This also helps to lessen the risk of possibly having the skeleton have any off odors of decay, not what is wanted for proper display of specimens. Often the first step to degreasing is doing a preliminary soak in hydrogen peroxide, three percent for smaller skeletons or up to thirty percent for larger bones or skeletons, though thirty percent hydrogen peroxide can be an extremely dangerous chemical, and all proper precautions must be taken. Hydrogen peroxide works on the principal of oxidization, which is the removal of one or more electrons from a chemical composition. Basically oxidization is what causes rust to occur on certain metals. By removing an electron, the chemical composition of the substance is changed. In this instance it makes bones turn from a natural color to a brighter white. This first preliminary soak in hydrogen peroxide whitens the bone in areas where less natural fat deposits are occurring, typically at the ends of the bones away from the marrow in the center of most long bones. By whitening these areas first it reveals the areas with the most fat present, thus making an area to target for the actual degreasing process. Without doing this first preliminary soak it would make the process of degreasing longer and require more water changes than what might truly be necessary. There are a few different ways to go about degreasing the bones of specimens used for articulation. The two most common methods are using ammonia and using some form of detergent in warm water, both being an effective means of degreasing bones, however the detergent method is a bit more complicated. When using ammonia to remove lipids from bones it is usually done using uncut household ammonia, though this is not the strongest form of ammonia that can be used, it does the job and is the safest to use. It does not need to be warmed to be effective, however the warmer it is the faster it acts on the fat molecules in the bone. When using the detergent method for degreasing it is common to use one cup of detergent per five to ten gallons of water. Using straight detergent has been done before but often leaves less than desirable effects, such as discoloration of bone. An aquarium heater or other form of water heater can be used to warm the water in the container, making the detergent act upon removing the fat a bit faster. With small skeletons this method may take a few weeks to a month, but with larger bones and skeletons it may take several months and several water changes to reach the desired effects. With the ammonia method it usually takes a shorter period of time than if you were using the detergent method, from a few days for small bones to a month or two for larger skeletons. It is very important to protect the bones and skeletons that are being worked on from the elements and the natural passage of time. There is more than one way to do this and most are effective. The first and most common way to seal bones is using a dipping technique using a mixture of Elmers glue and water. The glue tends to be soluble in water and it is a very natural and non-harsh way to treat bones. The whole skeleton or bone is dipped into the mixture and allowed to dry, the glue naturally forms a clear protective layer over the skeleton however if it needs to be removed all that need be done is for it to be re-dipped in hot water and the glue will melt off. Reasons why the glue, or any sealant, might need to be removed range from grease coming to the surface of the bone or skeleton after it was thought it was all removed, which can be a frustrating and disheartening occurrence, to the skeletons position needing to be changed, for any number of reasons. Sometimes the sealant might need to be removed because a new, more reliable sealant has been found, with the first being used temporarily to protect the bone from harm. Sometimes damaged skeletons can be salvaged if using the correct sealant. If the bone was compromised during cleaning, often from harsh chemicals or too much heat being applied, the sealant will keep the bones from coming apart or further cracking. The teeth of large carnivorous mammals have a tendency to crack over time due to moisture in the teeth slowly evaporating, and when a liquid evaporates into a solid it takes up more room, cracking the tooth. This can be avoided by placing the tooth in a drying material such as rice or cotton, and letting it sit for a few weeks to a few months. The tooth is than covered in a clear strong sealant, clear nail polish being a good example of this. Several coats are applied to make the tooth very strong and stable. The same procedure can be applied to the keratin sheath on the claws of animals. Another method of sealing bones or skeletons involves buying a clear spray paint from a reputable brand that is known to not yellow over time. The skeleton or bone is laid out in a ventilated area and sprayed in several coats of the spray paint and allowed to dry. Depending on the type of paint used the sealant will either appear dull and non-reflective, keeping the natural properties of the bone, or it will appear to be shiny and reflective, which often times may be applied to teeth and claws for those who keep private collections of skeletons for their own research. Typically in a museum quality specimen a flat coat is used to keep the bones looking as natural as possible. Other times no sealant is used at all on bones which have been professionally cleaned, and the bones or skeletons are simply kept under glass or in a display case, to protect them from dust and the oils found on human fingers and skin. Several types of articulations exist and are used in different manners for different institutions or research. Articulations and collections can be broken down into personal collections, museum or educational collections, or veterinary models, though often times in recent years replicas and reproductions are used for this purpose as they are often cheaper and far less fragile. Articulations and collections for personal use can be found in the homes of hunters, taxidermists, medical and veterinary students or just those people who are interested in natural history, anatomy or biology. Skull collections are often a simple and less complicated means of having an inventory of collections for certain species without having to do full skeletal articulations, these are fairly common in the homes of hunters and taxidermists. Those who keep full skeletal articulations often times have them on bases or in a natural habitat type setup. Often, those who are more interested in the general anatomy of the skeletons themselves have free standing skeletal articulations or those without bases, These are simpler to complete and may sometimes require bars to keep the articulation stable and from falling and possibly becoming damaged. Free standing articulations of smaller animals may be done through the use of ligament articulations. This involves letting a dermested beetle colony clean the skeleton, and watching the process very carefully so as to know the precise time to take the skeleton out of the colony. This takes practice to do, but when done right can make articulations much easier to complete. Essentially the beetles eat away all soft tissues except those ligaments which are holding the skeleton together. Often one or two bones may break away from the main skeleton but can easily be reattached at the time of the actual articulation. Than the entire skeleton goes through the degreasing process and during this time the ligaments are kept hydrated, making the skeleton very flexible and easy to manipulate. A stand may be built and pins used to put the skeleton into the position that you want it to dry in, though as ligaments dry they begin to contract and become hard, and on small enough animals such as mice, may not be visible at all. It is often necessary to re-align bones that shift during the drying process, as contraction of the ligaments causes them to move around, but if it dries in a position not right, all that need be done is for the skeleton to be re-hydrated and posed again. Once the skeleton is dried in an acceptable pose the pins and remove the support frame and often times the skeleton may be free standing. With larger skeletons, more tools and work may be involved. Common tools used for articulation of larger skeletons include drills, pins, eye screws, and metal pars or wiring. Where ligaments would normally hold bone to bone, metal pins sunk into the joints may be necessary, and these are often siliconed into place so as not to come apart again. An example of a cougar skeleton on a base may be found below A bar is often ran up the neural canal of the spine and reshaped to form the natural arch and support found in the spinal column of most vertebrates. The rod terminates after entering the foramen magnum of the skull, and may then be epoxied into place to keep from coming apart. There is naturally cartilage which attaches from the ventral end of the ribs to the sternum, to be as accurate as possible this cartilage must be rebuilt. The cartilage is often rebuilt be using thin wires which come from the sterna end of the ribs and attach to each other and to the sternum, and are than covered in layers of clear silicone to replicate cartilage. Another interesting articulation which is rarely seen is known as the Beauchene skull, which was first developed for human skeletal articulations by a French anatomist named Claude Beauchene in the mid eighteen hundreds. Cult of weird staff (n.d) Beauchene skull, retrieved from Cult Of Weird website This type of articulation is where the individual bones of the skull on one side of the skull are removed from each other in an exploded manner, so that the internal anatomy and the individual bones may be studied. This is a very infrequently seen articulation in animal skeleton articulations. Young animals may also be used in skeletal articulations, and though it may be sad to think that a young animal lost its life before it could grow into an adult, they are also an important research for the continuation of Osteological study. The bones of young animals are often much softer and not fully connected which makes for a more difficult articulation. Young animals also usually contain more bones than adults, as the individual bones grow they form together to make larger bones. These skeletons may be used in comparative anatomy with the skeleton of an adult of the same species of the animal. Young animals require a much finer touch and can usually only be cleaned through the use of beetles, as other cleaning techniques that were previously discussed will most likely be too harsh on the young bones, resulting in damage or complete disintegration of the bones. Skeletal articulations may also be used in area nature centers in parks, to help demonstrate the local wildlife in that particular area. They are found in taxidermist shops to help promote business and show the skill of the taxidermist who owns the company. Often times larger universities have a colony of dermested beetles to help demonstrate to students the natural life cycle of the beetle for entomology students while also having an inventory of bones or skeletons for other majors of the college, such as anatomy biology or zoology. Skeletal articulations are a necessary component of anatomical and other fields of study. Without the use of skeletons for research we would never know how bones connect to each other, how different teeth of animals are used for different food that the animals ingest and how certain animals from certain families have unique evolutionary adaptations, such as the cat family, with their retractable claws, or the pinniped family, whos limbs have evolved into flippers, but are still able to haul out on land to escape predators from the ocean. Skeletal anatomy is important to most if not all biological sciences, and without skeletal articulators there would be far less to look at in your favorite natural history museum, and we may never have known what dinosaurs skeletons may have looked like properly articulated. The next time you take a look at a skeleton in a museum, think about the hard work and patience that went into putting that skeleton together.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Artificial Intelligence :: essays research papers fc

Recently, the media has spent an increasing amount of broadcast time on new technology. The focus of high-tech media has been aimed at the flurry of advances concerning artificial intelligence (AI). What is artificial intelligence and what is the media talking about? Are these technologies beneficial to our society or mere novelties among business and marketing professionals? Medical facilities, police departments, and manufacturing plants have all been changed by AI but how? These questions and many others are the concern of the general public brought about by the lack of education concerning rapidly advancing computer technology. Artificial intelligence is defined as the ability of a machine to think for itself. Scientists and theorists continue to debate if computers will actually be able to think for themselves at one point (Patterson 7). The generally accepted theory is that computers do and will think more in the future. AI has grown rapidly in the last ten years chiefly because of the advances in computer architecture. The term artificial intelligence was actually coined in 1956 by a group of scientists having their first meeting on the topic (Patterson 6). Early attempts at AI were neural networks modeled after the ones in the human brain. Success was minimal at best because of the lack of computer technology needed to calculate such large equations. AI is achieved using a number of different methods. The more popular implementations comprise neural networks, chaos engineering, fuzzy logic, knowledge based systems, and expert systems. Using any one of the aforementioned design structures requires a specialized computer system. For example, Anderson Consulting applies a knowledge based system to commercial loan officers using multimedia (Hedburg 121). Their system requires a fast IBM desktop computer. Other systems may require even more horsepower using exotic computers or workstations. Even more exotic is the software that is used. Since there are very few applications that are pre-written using AI, each company has to write it's own software for the solution to the problem. An easier way around this obstacle is to design an add-on. The company FuziWare makes several applications that act as an addition to a larger application. FuziCalc, FuziQuote, FuziCell, FuziChoice, and FuziCost are all products that are use! d as management decision support systems for other off-the shelf applications (Barron 111). In order to tell that AI is present we must be able to measure the intelligence being used. For a relative scale of reference, large supercomputers can only create a brain the size of a fly (Butler and Caudill 5).

The Life of Frederick Douglass :: American History Slavery Narratives Essays

The Life of Frederick Douglass Frederick Douglass was born in Tuckahoe, Maryland, near Hillsborough. He doesn’t know for sure of his age, he has seen no proof and his master will not inform him. Most masters prefer for their slaves to stay ignorant. He believes that he was around twenty-seven and twenty-eight when he began writing his narrative - he overheard his master say he was about seventeen years of age during 1835. His mother, Harriet Bailey, was separated from him when he was an infant and she died when he was seven years old. Frederick’s father was a white man who could have been his master but he never found out. Education was of utmost importance in his life. He received his first lesson while living with Mr. and Mrs. Auld. Sophia Auld, Frederick’s "mistress", was very humane to him and spent time teaching him the A, B, C’s. After he mastered this, she assisted him in spelling three and four letter words. At this point in his lesson Mr. Auld encountered what his wife was doing for Frederick and forbid her to continue. He believed that "if you give a nigger an inch, he will take an ell" and continuing with "learning would spoil the best nigger in the world". The masters felt that an ignorant slave formed a choice slave and any beneficial learning would damage the slave and therefore be futile to his master. His next step on the road to success was during his seven years living with Master Hugh’s family. Frederick would make friends with as many white boys as he possibly could on the street. His new friends would be transformed into teachers. When he could, Frederick carried bread on him as a means of trade to the famished kids for knowledge. He would also carry a book anytime he had an errand to run. The errand would be completed quickly, allowing extra study time. When Frederick was working in Durgin and Bailey’s ship-yard he would notice timber marked with various letters. He soon discovered how the letters matched the type of wood and the names of these letters. Any boy he met that could write he would challenge them to a writing contest. Frederick would use the letters he recently learned and told the child to challenge that. He then copied the Italics in Webster’s Spelling Book until he knew them well.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Grapes of Wrath Essay: Theme of Strength Through Unity -- Grapes Wrath

Theme of Strength Through Unity in The Grapes of Wrath The traditional human family represents a necessary transition between self and community. In the difficult era of the 1930's, the family's role shifted to guard against a hostile outside world rather than to provide a link with it. With the drought in the Dust Bowl and other tragedies of the Great Depression, many were forced to look beyond the traditional family unit and embrace their kinship with others of similar necessity. In his novel The Grapes of Wrath, John Steinbeck uses the theme of strength through unity to comment on the relationship between the dissolution of individual families and the unification of the migrant people. The journey of the Joad family west illustrates this as they depart a parched Oklahoma, arrive in a hostile California, and eventually settle in amongst others as unwelcome there as they are. With the return of Tom to the family in the beginning of the story, the Joad family is once again united, though at the same time we see them to be utterly isolated from other migrants. It is not until the loss of a proverbial "right-arm" of the family (Grandpa) that the family is first unified with others, the Wilsons. As their journey progresses, they lose more members and struggle through increasing hardships, but in each situation the two families act as one and persevere. Grandma follows her husband to the grave, Ivy Wilson's health degrades, Noah leaves the family he knows doesn’t truly love him, their cars continually break down, and their money is fast disappearing. Vehicles, food, and money are all shared, but with one family's loss the entire group benefits. The Joad family's experiences when they first arrive in California ar... ...n's baby is stillborn, signifying a terrible loss to the Joad family. Soon after, they come upon another family, and Rose of Sharon is able to use the milk meant for her dead child to help a sick, starving old man. What's more, Rose of Sharon used her own milk, something normally only for the family, signifying the absence of a traditional family, and instead a universal family of a common plight. Throughout the course of the story, roughly half of the Joad family dies or disappears, but by the end of the novel the Joads are in a desperate yet relatively comfortable position. This was because as they gave up their kin, they were welcomed into society as a whole. In this manner John Steinbeck uses the theme Unity leads to Survival to comment on the relationship between the dissolution of individual families and the unification of the migrant people.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Perception of the African American Males Essay

African Americans males are considered dangerous based on a false identity, misconceptions, and misinformation that are available in the media; this includes but is not limited to rap music, news, and TV shows. This misconception can be traced as far back as slavery. The perception of blacks’ males as being dangerous began when the slave came to America on 1619. Due to the situation of being treated as property, to be freely bought and sold, and that the owner was free to split up a couple or family at any time simply by selling some of his/her slaves. African slaves started to behave in a hostile manner. Because of their behavior the Caucasians immediately started to classify the slaves as being dangerous, and they need to be tame as if they were wild animals. This lead the slave masters to start putting chain and walking around with their rifles when they would be in the fields with them. As it was stated in ‘The Brut Caricature†, it portrays black men as innately savage, animalistic, destructive, and criminal; deserving punishment, and maybe death. Due to the negative influence and portrayals of African Americans males, these individuals are often misguided. The nature vs. nurture theory comes into play. I. e. Low income black males are predisposed to innate qualities, while behavioral traits are learned i. e. through the media. â€Å"Get Rich or Die Trying† is the mentality of most African American males with the help of the media. Most males see themselves as rap stars, sports stars, and or comedians. There is limited exposure of African American as doctors or lawyers at an early age its learned that their chance of success in life is limited. The men in the low income communities have the tendencies of wanting to become like the â€Å"white man†. The main problem is that they portray the idea of â€Å"get rich quick†. These perceptions cause them to turn into drugs, and from there into violence and crimes. According to a 2006 National Urban League report a third of black males will spend time in prison before their 35th birthday. This fact could be because of the high school dropouts and the poor understanding they get from society. Yes, I said the poor understanding from society, because black men are one of the least understood groups in our country. People don’t look at the conditions that cause a lot of black men to be in the situations they’re in today, they just look at the results. † According to my findings, among men, blacks (28. 5%) are about six times more likely than whites (4. 4%) to be admitted to prison during their life. I also noted that there are more black males in prison in America than are in college. (The Black and White of Justice, Freedom Magazine). Volume 28. Another consequence for African Americans it’s that the â€Å"monster† image given by the Caucasian people are carry by the poor African American people. According to Stallworth (early 1990’s) young black males continue to follow patterns of slavery times. Many fulfill white America’s image of them legitimately by becoming successful gangster rappers, others fulfill these image illegitimately by becoming â€Å"bad niggers† Rappers, therefore reinforce the popular belief that as â€Å"bad ass niggers† young black can achieve fame, recognition, and sense of being (somebody). If they lose, however, they can face a long stay in our jails and prisons or even bodily injury and death. Which it’s happening now days. Media and the African American Males. According to the book ‘Black Demons’ there is a â€Å"black pathology† a fundamental weakness in African American families that can be traced to their experiences as slaves. The news media, for example, have taken the lead in equating young African American males with aggressiveness, lawlessness, and violence. Likewise, the entertainment media have eagerly taken their cue from the journalists, and these false images not only affect race relationship but also create a self felling prophecy for African American youngsters, whose limits of achievement can be determined for them by suggestions in the media. A common stereotype about African American men is that they are engage in drug abuse a disproportionate way which it’s not true because according to statistics from the US department of Health and Human services that although eight percent of African American males cocaine, eleven percent of whites have use the same drug. This is, however, not the impression that we get from watching the evening local news or even an episode of television program COPS. Blacks Stereotyped of Being Intellectually Inferior and Criminals. Another common negative stereotype, establishes the African American male as intellectually inferior. Studies directed by psychologist Claude Stale, indicate that African American teenagers are aware that they are stigmatized as being intellectually inferior and the go to school bearing what psychologist Claude has called a â€Å"burden of suspicion† Such burden can affect their attitudes and achievements. These shadows hang over stigmatized people no matter their status or accomplishments. These stigmas have the potential to roll them of their individually and debilitate their attempts to break out of the stereotypical roles. Blacks are the repository for the American fear of crime. Ask anyone, of any race, to picture a criminal and the image will have a black face. The linked between blackness and criminality it’s routinized by terms such a â€Å"black-on-black crimes† or â€Å"black crimes†. I also have to mention the ‘black brute stereotype arise in the early 1870’s. Such stereotype is one of the pictures white Americans have in their heads about black men: as savage, violent amazingly strong and not caring about right and wrong. Even today according to my findings , blacks are three times more likely to be physically threatened, harmed or killed because if their race than whites. So this idea of whites as peaceful and blacks ad threatening to white is not rooted in fact. It is rooted in something else. Yes, there are black men who are violent and savage, who do unspeakable things. But there are white men like that too. In either case they are hardly common enough to reasonably determine one’s ideas about the ordinary people of their race. Rap Music and its influence in African American males Rap music celebrates vulgarity. Indeed, it markets vulgarity; that is its product. It is the vulgar excesses of rap-the profanity, the over-sized jewelry, the naked acquisitiveness, the sexual aggressiveness-that are its hallmarks. New media attention on rap music seems obsessed on instances of violence at rap concerts, rap producers’ illegal use of musical samples, gangster raps’ lurid fanatics of cop killing, and female dismemberment, and Black Nationalist rappers suggestions that white peoples are devils disciples. It seems that rappers to notice the influence they have in people mostly African American people, and by say this type of things they send an incorrect message to their fanatics and other people in general. In most of the songs you can find a high level of aggravated language, images, and high crimes scenarios. . According to the authors of these songs, they just make it for the entertainment of their fans without thinking of the image they are given of their people and themselves. One question and many answers from our society I took the duty to find out the perception that common US citizens have towards African American males, by submitting a question on (answersyahoo. com) people from all around our country answered to my question. The following are the answers to my survey. †¢ People poisonous stereotypes the black males with the â€Å"5 Ds†Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬Å"Dumb, deprived, dangerous, deviant, and disturbed†. †¢ Lazy & uneducated †¢ Drug dealers †¢ Poor †¢ Hate other races †¢ They are dirty †¢ Loud, obnoxious, rude My Opinion. For these reasons and many other African American males are consider dangerous for our society. But stop and think for a minute, are they all really dangerous or this is only a big misunderstanding? Can we judge them all as a whole, or there are some of them that can be excluded of being stereotyped as â€Å"dangerous†, â€Å"criminal†, etc? In my opinion we cannot judged them all as a whole and we should also try to understand the reasons behind their actions. We have to learn how to be open minded and see things from different perspectives. We also have to realize that not everything that we see and listen in the media is always the truth, there is always a second part of a story and most of the time we fail to look for that second part. African American behavior has been shaped by us (society) because of our mistreatment towards them and our racism†¦ I believe if we change the way we look at them and express about them, they will change their behavior and we no longer will have to use the statement of â€Å"dangerous† when referring to a African American male. Conclusion. To conclude to this issue in question I just have to say ‘Black or white, God gave us the opportunity to succeed, and regardless of the situation we are dealt, we can all live the life we imagined. After s days of research I can’t say there is a wrong or right theory about African American males because everyone has their own way of thinking and their own opinion. But just to add ‘the world would be shocked to know that the majority of black men make the right choices and build successful families and careers every day in America, yet are rarely discussed in the headlines’. Bibliogaphy.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Role of Ngo in Devlopment

some(prenominal)(prenominal) Nags eat up worked make it in hand with the Government to ensure hat millions of come out of aim children ar enrolled and continue their school command, thus making the right to education a reality. The leprosy eradication coder was spearheaded by Nags and today only residual leprosy stay in our country. Nags have implemented the Jayvee Dharma programmer for creation of easys for safe imbibition water bring forwardd community toilets for total sanitation, and support the public health programs on immunization and for eliminating tuberculosis and malaria.The much celebrated , approach pattern gram, and Swastika BEMA of the government have their roots in the work of many a(prenominal) Nags. Nags eave signifi nookytly influenced the information of laws and policies on several important social and readingal issues such as the right to information, Juvenile justice, cease corporal punishment in schools, anti-trafficking, forests and environme nt, wildlife conservation, women, decrepit people, people with disability, rehabilitation and resettlement of exploitation induced displaced people to name a few.Further, Nags made their modest attempts to ensure the efficacious implementation of these laws and policies by conducting and disseminating findings from democratic research, cypher analysis, public hearings, social audits, rockroses, seminars and conferences. Summing up, it is now well established that Nags have an important constituent to play in the phylogeny processes and that both the state and market need the coaction of credible, active, and account fit Nags.Given their connect with the grassroots realities, Nags kindle and should play the game changer to pro-poor development through leadership on participatory research, community empowerment and search for development alternatives. 36 Google +0 Telecommuting 0 19 Latest Articles GSM (Global System for alert Communications) Why our prayers atomic number 18 not answered? controlling Attitude Support Honesty Peaks E Ashram O Hay 1 twentieth century transferred the number of issues to its successor with adhesion to social sector.Perhaps among those most discussion able and dispersing one is The Role of MONGO, s largely depending upon the contribution made by the socially developed countries, which on its turn besides exalted a number of issues craft under the generous contribution made, by the developed world. But as farthermost as our concern, the demo contains in itself the evolutionary development of the concept both theoretically and practically emerging the various types of Nags I. E. familial organizations, national organizations, community organization boards and world-wide Nags etc.The objectives of these Nags as relief welfare, community development, sustainable system and peoples participation are in addition considered in this work. The role of Nags which are communal for almost all the Mongo, s with run into to development in different palm as in education, health, women welfare etc are mostly sponsored by multinational Nags. Nags besides contribute their due share in the development sector of Pakistan and the events about their activities bullion and utilization of funds is overly considered in this presentation.The Nags are also working in rural areas of Pakistan and their programs in these areas are also under the consideration of our paper. So, all the presentation entrust provide the knowledge and fundamental facts about the role of Nags in development both at national and international level, their types, work ability and objectives and some fact about their weaknesses. Introduction The enclosure MONGO seems to be deceptively simple. It may overlook the coarse variety and differential capabilities of different Nags. N fact, Nags offer a kaleidoscopic accretion of organizations varying in origin, size, programmer, ideology, role strategy, ending, linkages evaluation, para dox etc. Nags embrace a bewildering classify of organizations varying in terms of measureless parameters. No standard definition can include all organizations working at present under the title of MONGO, to begin with voluntarism was a doctrine which held that the will is ascendant factor or it is a doctrine relying on ones own free will for an action.The definition of Nags vary as harmonise to Asian Development Bank the term non-governmental organization refers to organization based in government. Not created to earn profit. United Nations defines it Nags are private organizations that pursue activities to relieve suffering, promote the interest of poor, protect the environment, provide grassroots social services or secure community development